Making Airflow Visible
FSE utilizes the Tri-Color Fume Hood Visualizer, which uses vapor haze and lasers to make air visible, allowing our ceritfied technician to observe fume hood behavior, and see any loss of containment. A red laser allows our technician to witness and study how air is behaving inside of the hood, while a green laser exposes any air that escapes the hood, risking the breathing safety of laboratory staff.
Tri-Color testing is performed after traditional hood face velocity measurements are taken to ensure baseline requirements are met. Observing airflow inside and around your fume hood gives additional, invaluable knowledge and insight as to how the hood performs, all while educating you about air behavior.
Testing Everyday Conditions
The Fume Hood Certified Tri-Color focuses on the real-world conditions present in the lab, allowing for unprecedented fume hood testing. FSE recreates conditions that occur everyday, such as rapid movement, walking by, cross draft, and breathe zones, to see if everyday actions pull the air outside of the hood. This escape of air is visualized through bright green light as the laser exposes escaped smoke.
Certified Fume Hood Tester
FSE's Nick McDonald is a fully certified Fume Hood Tester. In addition to undergoing Fume Hood Testing and training for the Tri-Color Fume Hood Visualizer, Nick is NEBB Certified in Testing, Adjusting and Balancing.
Nick is an accomplished HVAC engineer with hands on and design experience, supporting complex laboratories for more than 25 years.